Admissions to Chepping View Primary Academy
Chepping View Catchment Area
Chepping View Primary Academy admits 60 children into Reception in the September of the academic year of their fifth birthday.
The map below indicates our current catchment area.
Sept 2023 Admissions Statistics
For our September 2024 Reception cohort around 50% were siblings and the rest were either Looked After Children, children with EHCPs or catchment area. The catchment area admissions went to a distance of 0.8 miles). The map below roughly indicates this distance. Please note that this was wider than previous years where it has been half the distance (0.4 miles).
Buckinghamshire admissions information:
All applicants must fill in the Council application form for admissions to Reception at Chepping View.
Please view the Buckinghamshire Admissions timeline for essential dates.
It's important to read all the Buckinghamshire admissions information below before making an application.
Prospective Parents Visit Dates and Booking
Information meetings for prospective parents/carers of children who are choosing a school for their child who will be starting school in Reception in September 2025:
- 18th September 10 am
- 16th October 10am - Fully Booked
- 13th November 10 am - Fully Booked
- 10th December 10 am - Fully Booked
- 8th January 10am - Fully Booked
If you would like to be added to a waiting list for cancellations, please contact
Information regarding the Prospective Parent Visits
In-year admissions
In-year admissions (any child wishing to join the academy after the September intake of pre-5 year olds) are handled by the academy as we are our own admissions authority.
Please contact the academy office for further information.
Please note that we are over-subscribed in every year group and have long waiting lists.
Can I visit the academy before putting my child on the waiting list for an in-year admission?
We do not permit a visit/tour in this instance, until we are offering you a place because you are top of the waiting list and someone is leaving. This is to protect the time of our staff and disruption to the children's learning as our waiting lists are very long and the visit requests would be numerous.
Upon being offered a place, you can then do a tour with the secretary before deciding whether you would like to accept.
What if my child didn't receive a place at Chepping View?
You may be disappointed that your child has not received a place in Reception at Chepping View, or that you have moved into the catchment area and we are full and cannot accept your child. In this case, you can contact the office and request to be put on the waiting list. The secretary will be able to tell you where you are on the waiting list order and the likelihood of getting a place.
Please note that letters and emails with personal appeals asking to be moved up the waiting list or admitted above other families cannot be considered. We are legally required to follow our admissions criteria at all times.
You should be aware that it's rare for children to leave Chepping View. This only happens on occasion, usually when their family is relocating out of the area, or they have decided to go to private school.
You do have the right to appeal, however, appeals for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are rejected due to the government-imposed legal limits of 30 children in a class for under 8s. Exceptions would be a child new to the area who was 'Looked After' or had an EHCP, in which case they would be admitted above the limit of 30 under our admissions policy and no appeal would be necessary. The only other exception would be where a parent provides exceptional medical, social or educational reasons for choosing the school, supported by evidence, which means Chepping View is the only school that can provide an appropriate education for the child. You would need to be able to prove, with very strong evidence, why the school your child is (or will be) attending cannot provide the education required and Chepping View can. This is also the case for appeals into older year groups.
Please note that the following reasons are not valid reasons for appeal when the year group is full:
- Parental preference
- Living in the catchment area
We would also ask you to consider that we, as the academy, pay for every appeal that parents make and this money comes out of the budget meant to serve the children who are already on roll here.
The chances of winning an appeal are extremely low. In our experience, this is because almost all appeals being put forward by parents are not for valid reasons beyond their personal preference for the school and/or because going above our agreed admissions number would be detrimental to the children who are already here. If this is why you want to appeal, we would strongly advise you to reconsider.
Buckinghamshire Council:
Most appeals fail because primary schools are full and cannot admit additional children without harming the education of the existing children or breaching the law relating to infant class sizes.
Appeals can be stressful for parents and are expensive for schools.
The DfE:
You should be aware that an appeal can prolong the period of uncertainty for parents and children, so it’s important to be realistic about your reasons for appealing and the chances of being successful.
Admissions Policy
Chepping View Primary Academy's admissions policy can be found on the policies page