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Chepping View Primary Academy Committee



Inspiring Futures Partnership Trust (IFPT) Board have established an “Academy Committee” for Chepping View Primary Academy. The overarching purpose of an Academy Committee is to support and provide effective challenge around the strategic direction and performance of the relevant academy within the framework and parameters set by the Trust Board. Those serving on an Academy Committee are accountable to the Trust Board and must ensure that at all times they act in good faith and in the best interests of the academies and the Trust, exercising reasonable care and skill having particular regard to the personal knowledge and experience. The role and responsibilities of the Academy Committee is detailed in the Academy Committee Terms of Reference.

An Academy Committee’s core duties are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Effective challenge of the principal for the educational performance of the academy and its pupils
  • Effective review and challenge of the financial performance of the academy to ensure that its money is well spent.


The diagram below highlights where the Academy Committee sits within IFPT’s governance structure.



 Meet Chepping View Primary Academy Representatives

The Academy Committee is responsible for the continued success of Chepping View Primary Academy.

  Academy Committee Representatives                


Dr. Dilupa Groppe

Contact: groppe@cvpa.school


I have lived in High Wycombe for 35 years and have worked as a local NHS GP for 15 years. I am currently working in partnership with my husband providing medical and surgical Ophthalmology services. Our two children completed their primary school education at CVPA and are now enjoying secondary education at local Grammar schools. I have been a Trustee since 2016. It is my passion to ensure excellence in the quality of education for all children in our Trust and build strong connections to support the growth and success of our IFPT community


Mrs. Katherine Sibley-Denne

Contact: ksibley-denne@cvpa.school


Katherine has lived in High Wycombe since 2012 after moving from London to start her family. She joined the Board of Trustees in October 2020. She's worked in the financial services industry for over 15 years and is a qualified Chartered Accountant. Katherine enjoys spending time with her family and travelling, introducing her son to various current and historic cultures around the world. She is also an active member and Treasurer of the Friends of Chepping View.



Mrs. Kirsty Elliott - Principal

Contact: office@cvpa.school 

I have been a teacher for over 15 years, working in both key stage 1 and key stage 2.  I became Principal of Chepping View Primary Academy in 2024, having worked as one of  the Co-Principals prior to that.   As well as being part of the leadership team at Chepping View for 12 years, I have worked on secondment at as a head teacher and deputy head teacher at two other schools. 

Outside of teaching, I am a qualified gymnastics coach, something which I still make time for, and enjoy spending time with my family, being active and outside or reading.



Cllr. Lesley Clarke O.B.E.

Contact: lclarke@cvpa.school


I was first elected as a Councillor in 1991 and have been a member of Wycombe District Council, Buckinghamshire County Council and now the new Buckinghamshire Unitary Council, representing the same area for all that.

I have held many positions in my time as a Councillor, from Committee Chairman to Leader and Chairman of Council. I had the honour of being Mayor of the town of High Wycombe in 1994/5 and Deputy Mayor 2021/22. So, a very varied, interesting and exciting career as a Councillor which culminated in my being awarded the order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen's Birthday Honours in May 2013. In 2021, I was invited to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). I am a Charter Trustee for the unparished area of the town of High Wycombe.

I am involved in my community as a school governor, in local charities, the local neighbourhood forum, resident's association and the local community board.

I am married; we have three daughters and four grandchildren. In my spare time, which is somewhat limited, I enjoy reading, cooking and travelling with my husband.




Mrs Orkid Russell

Contact: orussell@cvpa.school


Orkid has lived in High Wycombe since 2017 after moving from London with her family. She joined the Academy Committee as a Parent Academy Committee Representative in 2023, with two children attending CVPA. She's worked in the public sector for ten years and currently works as a Government Analyst for the Department of Business and Trade. This involves developing a robust evidence base to inform policy decisions. Orkid enjoys exercise, travelling, music and cooking, as well as spending time with loved ones. She is an active member of her church organisation. Orkid is also a Mental Health First Aider and has a keen interest in advancing children's mental health.


Mr. Steven Moore

Contact: smoore@cvpa.school 

Steve has been a Trustee of the Academy for more than 8 years and brings to the board more than 20 years professional experience in IT, Project Management and Sales across global and U.K companies and government departments. Steve is a parent of three, one of whom is currently a pupil at CVPA, the other two, former pupils who have moved on to local secondary schools. Steve moved to High Wycombe in 2009 and has been involved with Chepping View for more than ten years. In his free time, Steve enjoys keeping fit and spending time with his family outdoors in the local area and travelling further afield.



Mr. Matt Warwick

Academy Committee Vice Chair

Contact: mwarwick@ifptrust.co.uk 


Matt has joined the IFPT Board of Trustees in 2023, a year after becoming the Chair of the PTA at Chepping View. Having attended Chepping View (formerly known as Shelburne & Lansdowne  Schools) alongside his two brothers, he now enjoys giving back to the schools he loved whilst also watching his two daughters moving through the school. Having a background of 25+ years in the technology sector and an impressive record of leading teams to drive business development and over achieve against targets, Matt is an expert in securing new multi-million pound deals with a consultative approach to the highest standards, engaging at C-Level with customers. Passionate and committed to maximising opportunities and increasing sales and profitability with strong leadership skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels. 


Mr. Ali Mian

Academy Committee Chair 

Mr. Asif Latif 

Academy Committee Register of Interests 2023


Interested in joining  Chepping View View Primary Academy Committee? We would love to hear from you.

Please click on this link to express interest:


