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Inspiring Futures Professional Development provides a variety of CPD for school staff across primary schools in Buckinghamshire and beyond.

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Chepping View

Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is driven by our academy motto ‘Everybody Matters at Chepping View',  our values of Resilience, Risk-Taking, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness and Relationships and the community that we serve so that all learners experience opportunities that enable them to thrive.

At Chepping View Primary Academy, our curriculum has been designed to allow all pupils to transition to the next stage of their academic journey with the knowledge, skills, understanding, confidence and ambition required to succeed in modern Britain. 

With every child in mind, our broad and balanced curriculum has been designed intentionally to be:

  • Purposeful and progressive
  • Immersive and inspiring
  • Ambitious and challenging


  • Our academy motto ‘Everybody matters at Chepping View’ underpins our curriculum and teaching. Our curriculum is inclusive of all pupils and is adapted to ensure that they all meet their aspirational and challenging targets;
  • Throughout the curriculum, pupils are taught and given opportunities to develop the ‘Characteristics of Excellent Learners’ (CEL). These characteristics are known as the 5rs: resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness, relationships and risk-taking. This is further embedded through a CEL day each academic year;
  • Core British Values and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils, and their understanding of the values of our society, are woven through our curriculum. This ensures that pupils understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as the roles of law and democracy so they can flourish and succeed in an ever-changing world;
  • We have used the National Curriculum 2014 as the basis for our curriculum, ensuring that pupils have access to a curriculum that is similar in breadth and ambition. However, as an academy, we have taken autonomy over our curriculum and where appropriate have made meaningful links to our local environment and history so that pupils appreciate and respect the community in which they live;
  • At Chepping View, we teach through discrete subjects, making cross-curricular links where relevant are made so that pupils can see the connections in learning they are creating;
  • Themed weeks or days are used to engage, motivate and inspire pupils. They also allow teachers to go into more detail in a subject, increasing the pupils’ depth of understanding;
  • Our curriculum has been designed so that knowledge and skills acquired by the pupils are built progressively and in such a way that they can be retained, reinforced and developed;
  • The areas of phonics, oracy, early reading and reading are given a high priority at the academy and opportunities to develop these skills in all subjects are utilised as often as possible, preparing our pupils for the next stage of their education and helping them to overcome barriers to learning that result from having English as an additional language;
  • Outdoor, hands-on and real-life learning opportunities are developed wherever possible. This can be achieved through trips, working within the school grounds, forest school, visitors to the academy and linking the pupils’ learning to the world in which they live.


All schools now have the freedom to assess in a manner of their own choosing. At Chepping View, we use Insight to track children's progress.

We have a strong focus on Teacher Assessment, with teachers identifying where children are progressing well, and where the gaps in learning are.  We use language such as below expected level, at expected level and securing expected level. Day to day assessment informs future teaching.

Statutory Assessment

Reception- We assess children on entry using the Statutory Reception Baseline Assessment, and then regularly through the year. Children are judged to have met or be working towards the Early Learning Goals at the end of the year.

Year 1- Year 1 pupils do the Phonics Check in June with results given to parents in the end of year reports.

Year 2- Year 2 pupils take the Phonics Re-check if they did not meet the expected level in Y1. 

Year 4- Year 4 pupils complete a statutory multiplication tables test. 

Year 6- Year 6 pupils do a statutory Mental Arithmetic test, Maths test, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test and Reading Comprehension test in May. In some years, they may do a Science test, if the academy is selected to do so. These results are reported to parents, along with the Teacher Assessment of writing, in the end of year report.


