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Year 2


 Welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2 we recognise the children are the eldest in Key Stage 1 and therefore we promote independence and responsibility. We motivate the children to be role models for the rest of Key Stage 1 such as in the way they play at playtime and how they walk smartly around the Academy. In Year 2 we have high expectations and promote using the 5 R’s independently to take on challenges within their learning and other opportunities which allow them to step outside the comfort zone. For example the children start collecting their own hot meal at lunchtime. We also perform a Christmas Production and various assemblies where groups and individuals are encouraged to take risks they may have not faced before. We encourage the children to become responsible as a citizen in both the way they learn and how they communicate with each other.

We strive to inspire the children in many different ways including numerous opportunities for outdoor learning such as Wheels Day, Forest School and other visits to the meadow to explore and expand our imaginations. We also look forward to exciting experiences including making pizzas, sewing finger puppets and building sculptures. We believe it is important to inspire the children and link what we do to real life context.

In Year 2 we highly value our motto that ‘Everybody Matters’ and therefore we aim to create a community by working together with all pupils, staff and parents/ carers.

Teaching Staff

Class Teachers - Miss Page, Mr Ullah, 

PPA Cover Teachers - Miss Greenacre, Mrs. Grewal

Music Teacher - Mrs. Martin

Teaching Assistants - Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Pinches, Mrs. Vasudevan, Mrs Atherley

Introduction to Year 2

Curriculum Overview

Reading List


Learning in action

